For In-Person, Email, and Zoom Readings:
Cost: $50 for 30 minutes, $100 for 60 minutes. Please review the FAQ page for the best way to word questions and other information. Please call, text or email me if you have any questions or for an appointment: 805-637-1031 [email protected]
In-Person Readings:
In-person readings are a choice of a 30 or 60 minute reading (around three to six spreads) and can be paid for at the time of the reading by cash or credit card or you may pay via Venmo @superconnected 805-637-1031 or via PalPal (which includes a credit card option) by emailing me at [email protected]. Please indicate whether it will be a 30 or 60 minute reading. I will email you back a request for payment. Please call, text or email me if you have any questions and for an appointment: 805-637-1031 [email protected].
Zoom Video Readings:
I will need your email address. Zoom video readings are a choice of a 30 or 60-minute reading (around three to six spreads). To book a Zoom reading please pay in advance. You may pay via Venmo @superconnected 805-637-1031 or via PalPal (which includes a credit card option) by emailing me at [email protected]. Please indicate whether it will be a 30 or 60 minute reading. I will email you back a request for payment. Once you have paid, call, text or e-mail me to set up an appointment: 805-637-1031 [email protected].
Email Readings:
Email readings are a choice of a 30 or 60-minute reading (around three to six spreads). This will be two questions per 30-minute increment. To book an e-mail reading please pay in advance. You may pay via Venmo @superconnected 805-637-1031 or via PalPal (which includes a credit card option) by emailing me at [email protected]. Please indicate whether it will be a 30 or 60 minute reading. I will email you back a request for payment. Once you have paid, call, text or e-mail me to set up an appointment: 805-637-1031 [email protected]. For email readings just email your questions to me after making a payment. These will typically be three to ten-card spreads for each question. Don’t worry! I will work with you on the best way to ask a question. Please review the FAQ page for some suggestions. I will confirm that I have received your questions and payment and I will read for you within two days. If I have an issue with this deadline I will let you know ASAP. I will email you pictures of the spreads used along with a link to the audio of the reading. Please call, text or email me if you have any questions: 805-637-1031 [email protected]
Events, Parties, Conferences, Dinners, etc.:
Yes I read at parties and events! The fee is $100 per hour with a three hour minimum paid 1/2 in advance plus tips I receive from guests. I will have a tip jar. You may pay via Venmo @superconnected 805-637-1031 or via PalPal (which includes a credit card option) by emailing me at [email protected]. I will email you back a request for payment. Call, text or email me for details or to book an appointment: 805-637-1031, [email protected]
Brian Bailey
[email protected]
805-637-1031 call or text
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